Everything is slowing down, little by little

-everything is slowing down, little by little-
I blink quickly, to see more clearly,
Trying to know if what we are living through is truth or fiction.
The virus is advancing quickly, not letting up
and we have to continue to produce, confined
as we are“you can’t stop the machine,
you have to work to stay alive”
-we have lost our senses-
at Ball Pagès we have taken every possible precaution,
and more, so that we can keep working;
division of shifts, teleworking, teleweaving, telefabrication, telepainting and
bringing collections together for delivery,
all, always with the maximum in protection.
I go back to blinking to see more clearly,
but everything seems to be continuing to shut down,
little by little.
all this and the lack of specific guaranteed economic measures,
we choose to prioritise our pact of solidarity with our society
with all those people that fight daily to stop the virus,
out of a sense of responsibility and the love for all those dear to us
and also out of respect for each and every one of you,
-we decided in favour of stopping production-
we will continue sharing our confined lives with you,
our universe and our inspirations,
always via the networks and the blog,
We will be delighted to be able to stay in touch, often getting your news,
sharing such strange moments that we are living
from every corner of the planet.
we hope that you all are well, you and yours;
we will all return stronger,
once this storm has passed
Take care!
- Gemma Serra -
Designer and creator of the Ball Pagès Brand.